Sophos XG: Exchange 2016 and SFOS 16.05 Webserver Protection (Part 3 Optional)

In article 2, I had already written my opinion on RPCoverHTTP (Outlook Anywhere) in conjunction with Sophos XG and two public DNS names. Here again briefly to repeat: The background is that most of the protection mechanisms of the web server protection for Outlook Anywhere must be switched off. This then also applies to the remaining web services such as OWA ... Read more

Sophos XG: Exchange 2016 and SFOS 16.05 Webserver Protection (Part 2)

In part 1, the basic configuration of Sophos XG in conjunction with Exchange 2016 has already been carried out, but some configuration work is still missing so that Outlook Anywhere, MAPIoverHTTP and the REST Api also work. As already mentioned in part 1, the Sophos templates for business applications are somewhat outdated, so manual improvements are required here. It is somewhat irritating that ... Read more

Sophos XG: Exchange 2016 and SFOS 16.05 Webserver Protection (Part 1)

Sophos has been offering the successor to the UTM, called Sophos XG, for some time now. Sophos's advertising slogan: The next thing in next-gen: ultimate firewall performance, security and control So far, I've steered clear of Sophos XG, as a lot of things didn't really work smoothly in my last test. My last test is ... Read more