Exchange 2019: Monitor the maximum size of the database

I had already reported on the 1TB limit for Exchange Server 2019 Standard Server in a previous article. Exchange Server Standard Edition no longer mounts a database above a size of 1 TB. Unfortunately, this is often only noticed when it is too late. For example, if a database reaches the 1TB limit during the normal ... Read more

Exchange DAG: Change database and logfile path

It can happen that the paths or the storage location of Exchange databases and log files have to be changed, for example when changing the storage system. This article is in response to a reader's question about how to do this with as little downtime as possible. There are several options for moving the database and log file paths, ... Read more

QuickTip: Problem mounting Exchange 2016 databases after creation

When creating new databases in an Exchange 2016 organization, I encountered the following problem. The databases could be created within EAC and Shell without any problems. However, after the databases were created, they could not be mounted and remained in the status "unmounted". Unfortunately, at first glance the error message in EAC ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Remove / delete database

Um eine Exchange Datenbank zu löschen ist etwas mehr nötig, als nur die Benutzerpostfächer in eine neue Datenbank zu verschieben. Exchange Datenbanken enthlaten auch Systempostfächer, die nicht im EAC angezeigt werden. Beim Versuch eine Exchange Datenbank zu löschen bzw zu entfernen kommt es dann zu folgender Fehlermeldung: This mailbox database contains one or more mailboxes, … Read more